The 4 C's of a social media strategy include content, conversations, community, and connections.

{Infographic} The 4 C’s of Social Media Marketing

On a scale of 72 to 145, how would you rate your nonprofit’s social media posting habits and online interactions? If you’re thinking it’s somewhere between 70 and 71, you need help. STAT.

If your current social media plan consists of tossing up a few facts and unmoving posts here and there, you’re doing it social media marketingwrong! While facts and stats are killer things to post, it’s not necessarily motivating your support base to take action and make a difference. What you need is a solid plan and well thought out posts with plenty of calls-to-action.

Anatomy of a Wicked Social Media Strategy

To construct a high-quality social media plan, you gotta start with the bare bones. Here is where the infographic and the four C’s of social media marketing come into play. Although the infographic is directed at tech buyers utilizing social media, the same rules apply for nonprofit organizations or anyone wishing to enhance their online presence.

Note: Unfortunately, the four C’s do not include cats, cupcakes, or chia pets. However, they do include the components of a killer social media strategy:

  • Content
  • Conversations
  • Community
  • Connections

Now that you have the skeletal structure of your plan, it’s time to add the delicious meaty (mmmm…. bacon) goodness. Post links to content your audience will find valuable, engage supporters, and network with the right people/groups.

For more juicy tips on each of the four C’s, check out the infographic below for help enhance your online presence and define/grab those leads.

social media marketing

Many Thanks to: UBM Tech’s Social Media @ Work Research 2013