Every week we blog about the tactics, strategies and best practices for nonprofits to take full advantage of online marketing tools.

{Video} How Nonprofits Can Avoid Sleepy Subject Lines

Today we’re talking about email subject lines. Just think about how you use your email—which emails you decide to open and which that, in that flurry when you wake up in the morning and go through your iPhone, you tap tap tap and delete delete delete. Those messages are never read. They’re never even seen. […]

{Infographic} The 4 C’s of Social Media Marketing

On a scale of 72 to 145, how would you rate your nonprofit’s social media posting habits and online interactions? If you’re thinking it’s somewhere between 70 and 71, you need help. STAT. If your current social media plan consists of tossing up a few facts and unmoving posts here and there, you’re doing it […]

{Infographic} Storytelling With Social Media: One Frame at a Time

All nonprofits are superheroes. And every superhero has a story. Although your story may lack the extremely durable cape, it possesses elements identical to those found in superhero comics: the same burning desire to save, preserve, or call attention to a cause you and your team are passionate about. But what else does a nonprofit […]

{Video} Shocking Ways Email Marketing can Make Your Nonprofit Sexier

Today we are going to talk about some shocking ways email marketing could make your nonprofit sexier. A lot of times nonprofits are not considered sexy. But we do want to help you become more appealing to your audiences. This is really where I feel email marketing is underutilized by the vast majority. Why Email […]