Every week we blog about the tactics, strategies and best practices for nonprofits to take full advantage of online marketing tools.

Are Facebook Ads Worth a Look for Non-profits?

Facebook has truly given non-profits a global platform like no other.  With over one billion people on this social media behemoth, the ability to target messaging for your cause has never had a wider reach.  At the same time, Facebook has developed very sophisticated marketing tools that non-profits can use to make sure their message […]

Reaching Non-Profit Donors with Digital Marketing – Part Two

In our previous post, we talked about non-profit organizations reaching donors through digital marketing strategies such as knowing your target audience, organizing your database with a versatile CRM, having a well designed and optimized website, and email marketing. Here we will discuss reaching out via social media, content and mobile marketing.

{Video} Social Fundraising Tips and Tricks

Over the summer, at Silicon Valley’s Social Media for Nonprofits conference, Fundly CEO Dave Boyce gave a great presentation with mountains of helpful information for anyone considering using social media for fundraising efforts. The process of Social Fundraising can be a very powerful tool and bring in lots of results if it’s done right. Some […]

Reaching Non-profit Donors with Digital Marketing – Part One

For non-profits, nothing is more important than finding their ideal supporters – caring individuals and organizations with a special interest in their particular cause.  With the powerful mediums of digital and social media marketing at their disposal, non-profits have greater tools than ever before to spread awareness, find champions, and raise funds for their operational […]