Content Marketing Works

If you’re involved in the marketing space, you probably haven’t been able to avoid hearing the term “content marketing” in the last few months. It doesn’t sound sexy, but it’s generating as much buzz as any marketing trend in recent years. If you look at the data, it’s pretty clear why: Content marketing works.

Better ROI

Content Marketing is a long term strategy. If you expect significant results in the next two weeks, don’t bother investing in content marketing. On the other hand, if you want a long term marketing strategy for effectively generating leads, content marketing might just be for you. For mid-sized and large organizations, content marketing has been shown to reduce the cost/lead by 60%-80%.

content marketing works

Content Marketing works, but it’s a Long-Term Strategy

Unlike other forms of marketing or advertising, content marketing works for you all the time. Once you make that ebook or write blog post, it will be out helping you generate leads for you 365 days a year. It’s not a paid advertisement that disappears after time. The nature of content marketing is that returns increase over time so the longer you stay with it, the better your returns are likely to be. If you publish two blog posts a week for the next two years, that’s over 200 pages of new useful, lead-generating content that will be on your site.

content marketing cost per lead

Create Brand Advocates

One of the most difficult to quantify,  yet highest-impact aspect  of content marketing, is what it can do for your brand. Companies that have shifted to a heavier content marketing content strategy including traditional giants such as American Express and Coca-Cola have cited brand image as one of the major benefits they’ve gained. You’re providing a resource that helps entertain or solve your  target market’s problems. It makes sense that this would turn them into brand advocates for you. In the age of social media, a handful of brand advocates have enormous potential to help you grow your business.