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{Video} 8 Signs You Need to Start Flirting with Marketing Automation

If you are a marketer, you probably find a lot of your time is spent managing things you wish could manage themselves. Email marketing, search marketing, lead generation, content writing—they can all become tedious tasks. 56% of mid-sized companies used marketing automation with CRM in 2013, and that number is steadily rising. Maybe you’re not […]

SEO: Are You Attractive Enough?

Much is made in marketing circles these days of the practice of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. We’ve all heard these terms, but what do they really mean, and how do you really optimize a page for SEO? If you’ve got a little bit of a DIY approach to your web presence, or if you […]

{Infographic} The State of Online Giving

Quick! Name your top three all time favorite parts of the holiday season. How close is your list to mine? 1. Giving an annual gift to a cause you’re passionate about 2. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 3. Grandma’s Rum Cookies topped off with some warm cinnamon Schnapps icing. And more rum. Ahem…. Let’s tackle number […]

{Infographic} Twitter Psychology for Marketers

Today we’re talking about Twitter Psychology, which is more important than you might think. Why? Well, those who are looking to market themselves via Twitter can find themselves wondering why people are unfollowing them, or why they are not being retweeted. Knowing what Twitter users find important or how they are likely to respond is […]