nonprofit social media

{Infographic} Facebook: The Nonprofit Social Media Beast

Picture a world without social media. Before you break out in a cold sweat, hear me out. There would be no more:

  • nonprofit social media Awesome chats with your supporters and volunteers
  • Meeting new friends
  • Up-to-the-second posts about how fantastic your donors are and what they have helped you accomplish

Now you SHOULD be drenched in a cold sweat because you just realized how cold and shabby the world would be without Facebook!

If your nonprofit organization is new to Facebook, here’s what you need to know: Facebook IS the social media beast (and we mean that in a good way). As mentioned above, you can engage both current and new followers, AND as an added bonus, help draw these folks to your site and into the warm, squishy embrace of your brilliant cause.

Before you go all out, give it a green mohawk, and call it Ozzy McPirate Pants, you gotta turn the Facebook beastie into your bestie. The below tips can help you tame the social media monster:

  1. Make sure your organization is listed in the right Facebook category. You can access categories through the ‘About Us’ section.
  2. Check to make sure your organization’s address is correct.
  3. Fill out your entire profile.
  4. Find the right keywords to get you noticed both locally and nationally.
  5. Post, Engage, Repeat. Post info your audience would appreciate such as blog posts, relevant articles, and updates about your organization’s progress. Add a question to encourage your audience to ‘Like’ or comment on your posts.

When you feel your campaign is operating like a champ, try using the strategies listed in the infographic below to enhance your current campaign or give it a complete makeover. Once you find a mix both you and your audience like, grab the Facebook beast by it’s long, blue fur and don’t let go! Got a Facebook marketing success story? Tell us about it in the comments!

Get your own league of nonprofit social media mutant tamers at Valeo! Not only are we experts on all the major social media sites; we’re also nonprofit marketing professionals. Incredible, right? We think so, too.

nonprofit social media