Tag Archive for: google

{Infographic} The State of Online Giving

Quick! Name your top three all time favorite parts of the holiday season. How close is your list to mine? 1. Giving an annual gift to a cause you’re passionate about 2. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 3. Grandma’s Rum Cookies topped off with some warm cinnamon Schnapps icing. And more rum. Ahem…. Let’s tackle number […]

{Infographic} Testing Social Media Signals and Search Rankings

Have you been wondering how social media activity impacts your search ranking? Who hasn’t? The simple and understood truth is that of course social media activity has an effect on rankings; the more difficult part is trying to figure out what that may be. TastyPlacement, Inc. did a study on five websites and five social […]

{Video} What You Pay For When Outsourcing Your Online Marketing

I want to talk to you today about what you really pay for when you outsource your online marketing, content creation, SEO, whatever. Everyone we talk to is looking for guaranteed return on their investment. This is understandable. Anytime you are making a sizable investment of a financial nature in your business, the thing you […]

{Infographic} Storytelling With Social Media: One Frame at a Time

All nonprofits are superheroes. And every superhero has a story. Although your story may lack the extremely durable cape, it possesses elements identical to those found in superhero comics: the same burning desire to save, preserve, or call attention to a cause you and your team are passionate about. But what else does a nonprofit […]